

AI + KM = ROI for Your Business

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Businesses are sitting on a wealth of data. But data silos and the lack of data structure act as barriers to using that information to their advantage. As a result, organizations miss out on savings and added value.

Mindbreeze Partner in the Spotlight: Fishbowl Solutions

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

About three years ago, we established our global Mindbreeze partner program. Currently, more than 150 value-added reseller (VAR) partners across the globe are part of the program. Mindbreeze and these VARs have made satisfied customers out of some of the world’s largest companies

The Mindbreeze InSpire 20.4 release – What’s new?

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

We are pleased to announce a number of new features now available in our Mindbreeze InSpire 20.4 release. Special thanks to all our customers and partners, who challenge us each day anew and inspire our constant efforts towards further advancement.

Everything you always wanted to know about chatbots

Jakob Praher, Mindbreeze Products

Although today’s chatbots are already capable of performing a great number of functions and tasks, their success is still highly contingent upon user acceptance and, above all, actual use. And user acceptance depends not least on what the users expect from the bot.

Research, technology, and innovation: Success depends on the data


Our world is changing at an ever-increasing pace, new technologies are impacting our lives, and the competition never sleeps. Consequently, a company’s research and development department plays a central role in ensuring the continued viability of the business.

The keys to success with conversational apps for business

Jakob Praher, Mindbreeze Products

In any conversation about the use of chatbots, digital assistants, and similar tools for business, there is one aspect that should never be overlooked – the issue of data. In this blog post, find out what really counts when it comes to handling data in combination with AI.

The new features of our Mindbreeze InSpire 20.3 release

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Once again we’ve pulled out all the stops to present you with a number of innovations and features as part of our latest Mindbreeze release.

Rule-based or AI-based: The technologies behind chatbots

Jakob Praher, Mindbreeze Products

The interaction between man and machine has not always been as straightforward as it is today. It wasn’t until the development of the graphical user interface (GUI) some 40 years ago that the general public was offered a simple way to communicate with computers.

We have the data – the challenge is knowing how to leverage it

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Can you still remember how things were before we had access to digital aids like computers, tablets, and smartphones? As a matter of fact, this wasn’t even that long ago, yet life as we know it already seems virtually inconceivable without them.

Has artificial intelligence made its way into everyday life?

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Where do you stand on the issue of AI? Do you still associate artificial intelligence with science fiction? Or are robots and digital assistants beginning to take on a more pivotal role in your daily life?

What would your first day on the Mindbreeze team look like?

Lukas Stöbich, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Mine started by getting to know my new co-workers, followed by having breakfast together – something we do here every day. As a marketing trainee, I had the opportunity to attend an introduction to the Academy, just like the other new employees.